Sign up by going to PAR POINT / EVENT SIGN UP
*Sign up by 8 PM Sunday evening for the following weekend.
Late signups will be on a first come first serve basis if space becomes available.
General Information
Entry Fee is $20 payable in Freddie’s Grill after the round. If you tee it up on the first hole you owe the money.
Members of Hamilton Mill Golf Club must be members of the MGA in order to participate.
Guests are permitted to play in the MGA Par Point game. All guests are subject to the same rules as MGA members.
Guests/players without an established, active and verifiable (GHIN) index are NOT ELIGIBLE to play with the MGA or participate in the Saturday team game.
Guests/players without an established, active and verifiable (GHIN) index are eligible to play with the MGA and participate in the Sunday individual game but will play to a Course Handicap of zero.
When requesting a time, indicate in the Comments Section the individual(s) you would like in your group. EACH INDIVIDUAL IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR REGISTRATION. DO NOT SIGN UP ANYONE OTHER THAN YOURSELF. The MGA will do their best to accommodate your request. The MGA will assign complete foursomes.
There will be no changing of foursomes the morning of play. We must maintain a smooth and timely tee schedule.
Score cards should include the player’s LAST NAME ONLY(mandatory); and TEES PLAYED FROM(mandatory). If you do not clearly mark the tees played from you will automatically be recorded as playing from the WHITE tees.
Each player shall record on their scorecard their actual gross score with the maximum number of strokes per hole not to exceed 9.
At the conclusion of the round, it is the players responsibility to post his score to GHIN in accordance with the guidelines established by the USGA. The rule for posting a score is NET DOUBLE BOGEY:
The maximum score for each hole played is limited to a net double bogey – which is equal to Par of the hole + 2 strokes (double bogey) + any handicap strokes the player is entitled to receive on that hole based on their Course Handicap.
Local Rules
Putts within the leather (length not to exceed 24”) MAY be conceded by other players in the group. Concession of a putt is not automatic.
Preferred Lies / Winter Rules will apply when it is CART PATH ONLY and/or from December 1st until April 30th. Preferred Lies / Winter Rules apply for all shots played from YOUR OWN FAIRWAY. Under the most common traditions for Preferred Lies / Winter Rules the player has the option to improve the lie without penalty by moving the ball (lift, clean & place only) within one club length of the original spot no nearer the hole or onto the putting green. The player can only place the ball once and then the ball is "in play". If the ball does not stay on the spot where it was placed, it must be replaced without penalty. If it still won't stay on that spot it must be placed at the nearest spot where it can be placed at rest that is not nearer the hole. Breach of this Rule is loss of hole in Match Play and two stroke penalty in Stroke Play.
The Par-Point Game
Saturday Game
Team winners. Teams formed by blind draw at the conclusion of play. Numbers of players on a team will be determined by the total number of participants.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place individual winners.
Winners determined by most points over Par-Point quota.
Closest to the Pins.
Gross skins in two flights. Flights based on handicap
If your net score for 18 holes is 72 or less their will be no adjustments to you total par points.
If your net score for 18 holes is greater than 72 and your par points are negative there is no adjustments to your total par points.
If your net score for 18 holes is greater than 72 and your par points are positive, your total par points will be adjusted down by the difference between your net score and 72.
Sunday Game
Individual winners, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for front nine and back nine.
Winners determined by most points over Par-Point quota
Closest to the Pins
Gross skins in two flights. Flights based on handicap
If your net score for 9 holes is 36 or less their will be no adjustments to you total par points.
If your net score for 9 holes is greater than 36 and your par points are negative there is no adjustments to your total par points.
If your net score for 9 holes is greater than 36 and your par points are positive, your total par points will be adjusted down by the difference between your net score and 36.
Par Point Quota
18 hole quota = 36 minus 18 hole course handicap
9 hole quota = 18 minus 9 hole course handicap
Handicaps are adjusted according to USGA Handicap Rule 3.5
Maximum adjusted course handicap is 36.
Par-Point Scoring
1 point for a bogey
2 points for a par
4 points for a birdie
6 points for an eagle